What if you had a video showcasing their life, accompanied by the music they loved playing in the background, for you to reminisce over whenever the mood takes you.
I offer a unique solution that will gather all of those videos and pictures and create a unique memorial of your departed family member, creating a central point for you to visit through a private gallery on this website, or through your mobile phone with a free smartphone app.
It's a simple process, and works in this following way:
The images scanned will also be available for free download, plus you can order prints direct from my website and free Smartphone App.
Frederick R. Barnard (1921)
I've lost both my parents to cancer and to be honest; I wish I'd taken more pictures. I remember looking at my father's hands in his final days, comparing them with my own, and realising only then at just how similar they were. I'd have struggled to tell them apart if I was given a picture of them, and that's the thing, I don't have a picture. I have a few, 'snaps' but nothing I would class as a photograph, and that's one of my deepest regrets.
As family members, we all have our own shared memories and pictures that maybe other siblings have not seen. I'm offering you a space to gather them and visit them whenever those feelings rise up and you want to reminisce in those moments once again.
With the passing of your loved one, there's usually a lot of sorting through personal belongings and this is where the old family photographs starting revealing themselves, and those memories start flooding back. Now is the time to gather everyone and discuss what was going on when those pictures were taken, before those memory fade. I'm offering you a service that will catalogue those chosen images, arrange them in the right order as you remember them, and take note of any important information; such as who is in the picture and when it was taken. If you have pictures on your phone, you can send them to me and I'll make sure they're in inserted too.
You might also have video footage too, again, this will be duplicated and put into the family timeline so that it fits in with the memorial video.
In return for your investment, you'll have the following made available to you:
For some, who have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, there's a chance to put their affairs in order before they depart. Once that person has reconciled
Mourning Cross Website LinkBereavement Pins
Symbols in Life and Death
For people attending a wake and Funeral
They identify the appropriate family members with whom to sympathise.
with themselves that they're ready to face what's ahead they sometimes want to leave a lasting message to the ones they're leaving behind. This can take the form of either an audio interview recording or a video interview. I'm mindful of the fact that not everyone might be comfortable with their appearance in some cases, audio only might be the preferred option, and that's okay too, sometimes the voice is what we miss the most.
With preparation, either with the person involved or with the assistance of a family member, we'll have some key photographs (3) ready to talk about, or a family member would like you to share the history on, and then just go through a relaxed and guided interview about your life, experiences, what you've learned over time and what you'd like to leave behind as a 'word of wisdom'. Those pictures will then be scanned and added to the 'Words of Wisdom' presentation.
Time permitting, the video will be reviewed by the person involved for their final approval and will be made available either before or after they've moved on, it is entirely at their behest.
In return for your investment, the following will be made available:
How to Prepare
We'll arrange for two initial meetings, one to discuss the process and start the picture selections and the order in which to have a chat about them, those will then be scanned and returned at our second meeting where the video/audio recording will take place. Also, we'll cover off any important facts about that person's life, so as to make sure we're asking them during the interview.
I'll also collect other photographs that will feature in the video, from the earliest they have, up to most recent, up to forty of those would be great (not all will be used). If they could be prepared in the right order in advance, this would be very helpful. All of those images will be catalogued and returned at our next meeting, where we present the first draft.
The Interview - This will happen on our second visit together. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes and we'll have a chat about each of the three images that were selected and talk about some of those life experiences that they'd like to talk about, as arranged in the first meeting.
The Final Video - I'll work quickly to put together the 'Words of Wisdom' video and share that with the key person involved, gather any feedback and make any relevant changes. The final video will be released upon instruction.